Tag Archives | Auto Insurance


Lower Auto Insurance Premiums

Car insurance is one of those necessary expenses that can sometimes feel like a financial burden, especially when premiums rise. However, Allstate® has introduced a great way for responsible drivers to take control of their premiums and potentially save money…

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Buying A Used Car

If it’s time to buy a new car, maybe a new car for you is a gently used car, or a “new to you car” rather than a brand new, straight from the factory car. And there definitely are advantages…typically there is a lower price tag and depreciation has absorbed by the previous owner. But […]

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Auto Maintenance Tips

Whether you’re a new car owner or a seasoned car owner, a few maintenance reminders to help you keep your car running smoothly never hurts…And, whether your auto is new or used, if you want it to keep getting you from Point A to Point B, your car needs to be kept maintained. Ignore the […]

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Resolve to Get Out of Debt

Are you DONE? Done with calls from bill collectors Done with high interest rates Done with credit card debt Done with running out of money before running out of month Done with worrying about money Done with debt stress Is this the year you resolve to get out of debt?

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Winter Driving Tips Seattle

How do you prepare for winter driving in the Seattle area? Even though it infrequently snows, temperatures still drop, roads can still be slippery, flooded with water from heavy rains and dangerous…there is still reason to prepare your car for the winter months ahead.

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