
Spot Impaired Driver

The holidays are upon us…the season of good cheer. But the problem is, especially during the holidays, too many people have too “much cheer,” and then they get in their car and head down the road, putting everyone on the road and themselves in danger. Here’s how you can spot someone driving impaired.

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Auto Maintenance Tips

Whether you’re a new car owner or a seasoned car owner, a few maintenance reminders to help you keep your car running smoothly never hurts…And, whether your auto is new or used, if you want it to keep getting you from Point A to Point B, your car needs to be kept maintained. Ignore the […]

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Home Fire Prevention

Like so many disasters in life, people think a home fire will never happen to them, it only happens to someone else, right? So it’s shocking when it does happen to them and they discover that it could have been prevented or they weren’t prepared when it did happen.

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