Your RV (Recreational Vehicle) represents fun, freedom, adventures and the making of lots of great memories. But people have questions about whether or not you need to insure it…
Condo Insurance
If you’re buying a condo, by default, you will also be joining an HOA (Homeowner’s Assn.)…won’t the association have insurance that will cover your belongings?
Homeowner Insurance Discounts
The Best Ways To Get Homeowner’s Insurance Discounts The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” – Maya Angelou There’s not a much better feeling than the one you get when you’re enjoying your home, knowing it is fully protected […]
Landlord Insurance
If you’re becoming a new landlord, whether it’s for a rental home or an apartment, before putting out that “For Rent” sign, be sure you have your landlord insurance or rental property insurance in place.
Prevent Identity Theft
Summer is right around the corner, and you’re making plans for a wonderful vacation…a vacation that doesn’t include identity theft.
Life Insurance True False
Most people aren’t in a big hurry to talk about or purchase life insurance. It’s not a topic that most of us want to talk about…”We can talk about that another time.” But it’s a conversation that shouldn’t be put off…
Lower Homeowners Insurance
Are you concerned that your Homeowners’ premiums are too high? Is there anything you can do to lower them?
Long Term Care Myths
What Is Truth And What Is Myth About Long Term Care? The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.” ― Robert Frost This is a fact that no one can dispute…we are all aging. It began the minute we were born and will continue throughout our life. But one thing we don’t know, is how much, […]
Homeowners Insurance Costs
Along with the excitement of a new home, one of the first things new homeowners think about is: How much will my Homeowner’s Insurance cost?
Travel Insurance
If you have planned a lengthy or very expensive vacation, or a trip of any kind, what if something unforseen comes up at the last minute that prevents you from going? For such a small phrase, “what if” is pretty powerful and carries a big punch. What if….